Juli Clover

Juli is the Managing Editor at MacRumors, and has been covering Apple news and rumors since 2010. She oversees MacRumors' guides, roundups, how tos, reviews, and giveaways in addition to covering daily news. Her work is regularly highlighted on Techmeme and cited by tech publications and news sites.

She is a voracious reader, cinephile, gardener, and gamer, and she resides in California with her carnivorous plants. Juli can be reached at juli@macrumors.com or on Twitter.

Juli Clover's Articles

iOS 17

Apple Seeds Second Betas of iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 to Developers

Tuesday April 16, 2024 9:59 am PDT by
Apple today seeded the second betas of upcoming iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 updates to developers for testing purposes, with the software coming two weeks after Apple released the first betas. Registered developers are able to opt into the betas by opening up the Settings app, going to the Software Update section, tapping on the "Beta Updates" option, and toggling on the iOS 17 or iPadOS 17...
sonoma desktop wwdc

Apple Seeds Second Beta of macOS Sonoma 14.5 to Developers

Tuesday April 16, 2024 9:58 am PDT by
Apple today seeded the second beta of an upcoming macOS Sonoma 14.5 update to developers, with the software coming two weeks after Apple released the first beta. Registered developers can opt-in to the beta through the Software Update section of the System Settings app. Note that an Apple ID associated with an Apple Developer account is required to get the beta. We don't yet know what...
visionOS Home Screen

Apple Seeds Second Beta of visionOS 1.2 to Developers

Tuesday April 16, 2024 9:57 am PDT by
Apple today released the second beta of an upcoming visionOS 1.2 update to developers, allowing them to test new features ahead of the software seeing a public launch. The second ‌visionOS‌ 1.2 beta comes two weeks after the release the first beta. The ‌visionOS‌ beta can be downloaded by going to the Settings app on the device and toggling on developer betas. A registered developer account is...
Apple Watch Faces watchOS 10 Feature Blue

Apple Seeds Second Beta of watchOS 10.5 to Developers

Tuesday April 16, 2024 9:56 am PDT by
Apple today seeded the second beta of an upcoming watchOS 10.5 update to developers for testing purposes, with the beta coming two weeks after the release of the first beta. To install the ‌watchOS 10.5 update, developers need to open the Apple Watch app, go to the Software Update section under "General" in Settings, and toggle on the watchOS 10 Developer Beta. An Apple ID linked to a...
apple tv 4k green

Apple Seeds Second Beta of tvOS 17.5 to Developers

Tuesday April 16, 2024 9:55 am PDT by
Apple today seeded the second beta of an upcoming tvOS 17.5 to developers for testing purposes, with the beta coming two weeks after the release of the first beta. Registered developers are able to download the tvOS 17.5 update by opting in to the beta through the Settings app on the Apple TV. A registered developer account is required. tvOS software updates are often minor in scale...

Adobe Premiere Pro Gains AI Tools to Add and Remove Objects From Videos, Extend Clips and More

Monday April 15, 2024 4:28 pm PDT by
Adobe today debuted several new AI features for Premiere Pro, software designed for professional video editing. Adobe's Premiere Pro is set to gain useful editing functions powered by generative AI, which will let video editors do more with less work. With a Generative Extend feature, Premiere Pro will be able to add frames to make video clips longer, allowing for properly timed edits and...
X twitter logo

X May Charge New Users a 'Small Fee' to Post, Like and Reply

Monday April 15, 2024 1:46 pm PDT by
Social media platform X (formerly Twitter) will soon begin charging new users "a small fee" for posting content and liking, replying, and bookmarking tweets, according to Elon Musk. X Daily News, a feed that posts X updates, today noticed that text strings on the website have been updated to mention a small annual fee that new users will need to pay in order to access the social network....
duckduckgo privacy pro

DuckDuckGo Launches 3-in-1 'Privacy Pro' Subscription With VPN and Personal Data Removal Tool

Thursday April 11, 2024 12:41 pm PDT by
DuckDuckGo today announced the launch of Privacy Pro, a new subscription service that bundles three privacy-focused features together. Privacy Pro includes a VPN for anonymous browsing and secure connections regardless of location, personal information removal for removing personal data from data broker sites, and identity theft restoration should any DuckDuckGo subscriber suffer from an...
nanoleaf outdoor lights 1

Review: Nanoleaf Debuts New Matter-Connected Outdoor String Lights

Thursday April 11, 2024 12:14 pm PDT by
Popular home lighting company Nanoleaf today introduced its latest product, Smart Multicolor Outdoor String Lights that bring HomeKit-compatible decorative lighting to decks, porches, backyards, gardens, pool areas, and more. Nanoleaf is known for unique light designs, and the Outdoor String Lights aren't an exception. The bulbs have an angular five-sided shape that makes them more geometric ...
apple silicon feature joeblue

Macs to Get AI-Focused M4 Chips Starting in Late 2024

Thursday April 11, 2024 10:10 am PDT by
Apple will begin updating its Mac lineup with M4 chips in late 2024, according to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman. The M4 chip will be focused on improving performance for artificial intelligence capabilities. Last year, Apple introduced the M3, M3 Pro, and M3 Max chips all at once in October, so it's possible we could see the M4 lineup come during the same time frame. Gurman says that the entire...
apple watch series 8 green

Apple Suggests Solution for 'Ghost Touch' Issue on Apple Watch Series 7 and Later

Wednesday April 10, 2024 4:39 pm PDT by
The touch-related bug that was known to be impacting the Apple Watch Series 9 and the Apple Watch Ultra 2 also affects the Apple Watch Series 7, Series 8, and Ultra 1, Apple said in a memo shared with Apple Authorized Service Providers. Service providers have been told not to replace watches for the ghost touch problem, instead instructing customers to fix the issue through a force restart....
Safari Technology Preview Feature

Apple Releases Safari Technology Preview 192 With Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements

Wednesday April 10, 2024 2:47 pm PDT by
Apple today released a new update for Safari Technology Preview, the experimental browser Apple first introduced in March 2016. Apple designed the ‌Safari Technology Preview‌ to test features that may be introduced into future release versions of Safari. ‌Safari Technology Preview‌ 192 includes fixes and updates for Authentication, CSS, Editing, JavaScript, Media, Rendering, Web API, and Web...
apple short hills new jersey

Apple Store Employees in New Jersey File to Unionize

Wednesday April 10, 2024 1:32 pm PDT by
Apple employees at the Apple Store in Short Hills, New Jersey have petitioned to unionize, reports Bloomberg. Retail store unionization efforts have died down in recent months after locations in Oklahoma and Maryland successfully unionized in 2022. There are 104 workers at Apple Short Hills, which is located in the Short Hills Mall. Communication Workers of America (CWA) filed a unionization ...

Review: Six Months With the iPhone 15 Pro

Wednesday April 10, 2024 10:53 am PDT by
It's been a bit over six months since the iPhone 15 lineup came out in September, and MacRumors videographer Dan Barbera has been using an iPhone 15 Pro Max sans case since launch. Over on our YouTube channel, Dan did a long term review to demo how his phone has held up and his thoughts on the Action button, battery life, and camera features. Subscribe to the MacRumors YouTube channel for more ...
beeper automattic acquisition

Beeper App That Created Workaround for iMessage on Android Acquired by WordPress Owner Automattic

Tuesday April 9, 2024 3:47 pm PDT by
Automattic, the company behind popular web management system WordPress, has purchased Beeper and will absorb Beeper's 27 employees. Beeper made headlines back in December for Beeper Mini, an app that brought iMessage to Android devices. Beeper Mini used reverse engineered iMessage protocols and encryption, taking advantage of Apple's own iMessage servers to let Android users send "blue...
best early black friday iphone 2

Teens Love iPhone and Apple Watch, But Not Apple Music and Apple TV+

Tuesday April 9, 2024 2:42 pm PDT by
The iPhone continues to be overwhelmingly popular with teens, according to Piper Sandler's biannual teen survey. 85 percent of U.S. teens surveyed own an ‌iPhone‌, and 86 percent plan to purchase an ‌iPhone‌ as their next smartphone. While the ‌iPhone‌ is still the most popular smartphone among teens, ownership is down from the October 2023 survey where 87 percent of teens owned an ‌iPhone‌ and 88...
apple vision pro orange

Apple Vision Pro Owners Complain of Headaches, Neck Issues and Black Eyes

Tuesday April 9, 2024 1:31 pm PDT by
Some Apple Vision Pro owners have been dealing with health issues related to the wearing of the headset, according to a report from MarketWatch. The site spoke to Vision Pro owners experiencing headaches and neck pain, among other issues. Emily Olman, marketing chief of Hopscotch Interactive, said she got two "superdark black eyes" after wearing the Vision Pro for the first time, likely...
Apple Logo

Apple Planning to Open Large Office in Miami

Tuesday April 9, 2024 12:49 pm PDT by
Apple is leasing 45,000 square feet of space in an office building in the Miami area, reports Bloomberg's Mark Gurman. The company already has a smaller office space in the Miami area, but is planning to upgrade. Apple's current Miami location is focused on advertising and Latin America. The upgraded office is located at The Plaza Coral Gables, south of Miami, and it is under construction. ...
visionOS Home Screen

Apple Releases visionOS 1.1.2 With Bug Fixes and Revised visionOS 1.2 Beta

Tuesday April 9, 2024 10:10 am PDT by
Apple today released visionOS 1.1.2, a minor update to the ‌visionOS‌ operating system that came out alongside the Vision Pro in February. ‌visionOS‌ 1.1.2 comes a month after the launch of ‌visionOS‌ 1.1. ‌visionOS‌ updates can be installed by going to the Settings app on the Vision Pro, selecting the General section, and choosing Software Update. The Vision Pro headset will need to be removed to...
android find my device

Google Launches Android Find My Device Network

Monday April 8, 2024 11:17 am PDT by
Google today introduced the Find My Device network for Android-based products, mirroring the functionality of Apple's ‌Find My‌ network that's designed to locate Apple devices. Like Apple ‌Find My‌, the Android ‌Find My‌ Device network is able to use the millions of Android devices (running Android 9 or later) out in the wild to track down lost, stolen, and missing Android products. A lost Android ...