iPhone 17

By MacRumors Staff

iPhone 17 Articles

iPhone 15 General Feature Blue

iPhone 17 Plus Rumored to Feature Smaller Screen Than iPhone 15 Plus

Wednesday April 17, 2024 1:35 pm PDT by
While the iPhone 16 series is still months away from launching, another rumor has already surfaced about the two-generations-away iPhone 17 lineup. In a post shared today on social media platform X, oft-accurate display industry expert Ross Young said he heard that the "iPhone 17 Plus" will be equipped with a smaller screen than the current-generation iPhone 15 Plus, which has a 6.7-inch...
dynamic island

Kuo: iPhone 17 to Feature 24MP Front-Facing Camera

Thursday January 4, 2024 1:20 am PST by
The iPhone 17 lineup will feature a 24-megapixel front-facing camera, according to Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo. The information was shared in a new 與超廣角-vision-pro-與華為p70超廣角-genius-is-a-key-7f125f60d783">post on Medi. The iPhone 14 and 15 feature a 12-megapixel front-facing camera with five plastic lens elements. The iPhone 16 lineup is expected to feature the same hardware. With the ‌iPhone‌ ...
iPhone 15 Pro Cameras

iPhone 17 Pro Max Rumored to Feature 48MP Telephoto Lens

Friday December 15, 2023 8:35 am PST by
The iPhone 17 Pro Max will likely feature a 48-megapixel Telephoto lens, according to Jeff Pu, an analyst who covers companies within Apple's supply chain. In a research note this week with Hong Kong-based investment firm Haitong International Securities, focused on Apple supplier Largan Precision, Pu said the iPhone 17 Pro Max's upgraded 48-megapixel Telephoto lens will be optimized for use ...
Apple Wi Fi Chip Feature Triad

iPhone 17 Pro to Feature Apple-Designed Wi-Fi 7 Chip, Analyst Predicts

Friday December 15, 2023 7:07 am PST by
iPhone 17 Pro models in 2025 will be equipped with an Apple-designed Wi-Fi 7 chip, according to Jeff Pu, an analyst who covers companies within Apple's supply chain. In a research note this week with Hong Kong-based investment firm Haitong International Securities, Pu said the chip could be a long-term threat to Broadcom, which currently supplies Apple with a combined Wi-Fi and Bluetooth...