Details from the leaked iOS 11 golden master keep on coming today, with 9to5Mac discovering references in the firmware to potential new Apple Watch case colors, which might be announced on Tuesday, September 12. The strings describe an Apple Watch with "Ceramic-Gray" and "AlumBlushGold" colorways, hinting at a new version of the Apple Watch Edition that came out last year in White Ceramic, as well as a new Aluminum Blush Gold for Apple Watch Sport wearers.
The so-called "Aluminum Blush Gold" Apple Watch lends further credence to similar nomenclature we've been hearing about a new color coming to the iPhone line. Blush Gold, also referred to as Champagne Gold and Copper Gold previously, is said to be closer to a copper color than the Rose Gold iPhones currently available.
In regards to "Ceramic Gray," last night's original leaked data included a new Apple Watch with a red Digital Crown, but the casing appeared to be an aluminum Space Gray and not the new Ceramic Gray model. Last year, Apple debuted the White Ceramic Apple Watch, priced at $1249 (38mm) and $1299 (42mm), while also discontinuing the Gold Apple Watch Edition models that sold for up to $17,000.
The leaked data isn't an exact confirmation that a Ceramic Gray and Aluminum Blush Gold Apple Watch will make an appearance at Apple's event on Tuesday. Still, the company traditionally updates the Apple Watch with new collections, colors, casing styles, and bands at these events, so it's likely the "Apple Watch Series 3" will have some kind of new colors for users to choose from.
Top Rated Comments
The Apple Watch is actually not expensive. Most Android wear watches are around the same price, maybe slightly less. Considering the AW works a TON better on iOS than any other smartwatches (I used moto 360 with my iPhone for 2 years until I bought the series 2), I can say the starting price of the AW is totally appropriate (at least for the aluminum sports).
I did experience the paint of the sports space gray chipping off for no reason. I managed to get it replaced by Apple (after talking on the phone for hours with their engineers, trying to convince them that this is a defect). I would guess the stainless steel version to be more durable, but it does cost more. Personally, I categorize this as a consumer electronics, so I don't expect it to last forever, thus I picked the aluminum sports version.
The iPhone 5 (which won't support iOS11) is still listed as the minimum requirement for Series 2. Now I'm not sure if Apple would change it with watchOS 4, but I'm sure the iPhone 6 will still support the series 3 (and 4) at the least.