During Apple's WWDC keynote this year the company debuted new features coming in watchOS 4, some of which include fresh watch faces for Apple Watch. Following in the footsteps of the animated Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse faces, watchOS 4 is gaining new Disney characters for Apple Watch wearers in the form of Jessie, Woody, Buzz Lightyear, and more from Toy Story.
The Toy Story characters weren't available in the first developer beta of watchOS 4, but with yesterday's launch of beta 2 for the Apple Watch software all of the characters have appeared as watch face options. These include multiple poses and animations of Jessie, Bullseye, Buzz, Woody, Hamm, Rex, and the Pizza Planet aliens.
While the watch faces are animated when the Apple Watch is raised, similar to Mickey and Minnie, as of now they don't speak when tapped upon. Two complications are available for the Toy Story watch face, one above the time in the top right hand corner, and another at the very bottom of the face. The color for these complications changes automatically to match the character on screen and can't be customized.
In the Watch app on iPhone users can choose from Buzz Lightyear, Woody, or Jessie, and after that the Apple Watch will depict a new animation for that character every time the user raises their wrist. For anyone who wants to completely randomize which character and animation they'll get when they check their Apple Watch, a "Toy Box" option is also accessible. Specific faces for any other character -- like Rex or Hamm -- are not available as of watchOS 4 beta 2, and the only way to see these characters is by choosing Toy Box.
Check out the MacRumors watchOS 4 roundup for more information on what's coming to Apple Watch when the software launches to the public later in the fall.
Top Rated Comments
Edit: Thanks everyone for pointing out that Toy Story was Pixar's first movie with Jobs at the helm. That being said, I still wish Apple would push out more sophisticated watch faces.
And why are you comparing a Mac to an Apple Watch? What does iOS have to do with WatchOS?
* If your benchmark is iPhone sales? It's a dud, but so is every other product Apple has ever produced.
* If your benchmark is Mac sales? It's a success. Less so as a revenue generator because of price point, but still a success
* If your benchmark is the smartwatch category sales? It's an unqualified success.
* If your benchmark is the entire watch category sales, smart or otherwise? Still, unqualified success.
Will it ever reach iPhone levels of success? Probably not since wearing a watch isn't exactly en vogue these days. But to introduce a product and have it immediately become the most successful product in it's category is not something dismissed so easily as a failure. Mind you, this is coming from someone who has no desire to own a smartwatch.