
By MacRumors Staff

Passkeys Articles

X twitter logo

X Rolls Out Passkeys Support to iPhone Users Worldwide

Tuesday April 9, 2024 1:51 am PDT by
X, formerly Twitter, has extended support for passkeys as a login option for iPhone users across the globe, the company has announced. Passkeys support was introduced by X earlier this year, but the option was limited to iOS users based in the United States. Now anyone on the social media platform can use them. Passkeys are both easier to use and more secure than passwords because they...
playstation passkey

PlayStation Adds Support for Passkeys as Password Alternative

Wednesday February 21, 2024 2:06 pm PST by
PlayStation account owners will soon be able to start using a passkey as an alternative to a password when logging into a PlayStation account on the web, in an app, or on a PlayStation device. Passkey integration is set to be introduced at some point today, and users will be able to log in and authenticate their accounts with Face ID, Touch ID, or a device passcode on an iPhone. Passkeys...
X twitter logo

X for iOS Adds Support for Passkeys, Allowing for More Secure Logins

Wednesday January 24, 2024 1:42 am PST by
X, formerly Twitter, now supports passkeys as a login option for iOS users in the United States, the company has announced. Passkeys are both easier to use and more secure than passwords because they let users sign in to apps and sites the same way they unlock their devices: With Face ID, Touch ID, or a device passcode. Passkeys are also resistant to online attacks like phishing, making them ...
Whatsapp Feature

WhatsApp Working on Passkey Support on iPhone

Monday October 30, 2023 6:53 am PDT by
WhatsApp is planning to add passkey support to its iPhone app, according to code discovered by software researcher @aaronp613 in the latest beta version of the app. Passkey support would allow iPhone users to sign in to WhatsApp with Face ID, Touch ID, or the device's passcode. Passkeys are stored in iCloud Keychain. To use passkeys on the iPhone, the device must be updated to iOS 16 or...
amazon app passkey

Amazon Adds Support for Passkeys, Allowing for More Secure Logins

Monday October 23, 2023 7:00 pm PDT by
Amazon today announced that it has added passkey support to its desktop sites and mobile apps, allowing customers to sign in to their accounts without the need for a password. Passkeys are a more secure alternative to passwords because a passkey cannot be shared with another person through a phishing attempt or leaked online through a database hack. Passkeys do not require customers to...
tiktok passkeys

TikTok Announces Passkey Login Support for iOS Devices

Monday July 17, 2023 11:51 pm PDT by
TikTok has announced it is introducing support for passkeys, providing an easier and more secure login method for users of the popular short-form video platform. Apple integrated passkeys into iOS with the launch of iOS 16, and they are also available in iPadOS 16.1 and later and macOS Ventura. Passkeys are an industry standard developed by the FIDO Alliance and the World Wide Web...
iOS 17 Passkey With Apple ID Feature 3

iOS 17 and macOS Sonoma Add Passkey Support to Your Apple ID

Tuesday June 20, 2023 9:38 am PDT by
Starting with iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and macOS Sonoma, users with an Apple ID will automatically be assigned a passkey, allowing them to sign into their Apple ID with Face ID or Touch ID instead of their password on various Apple sign-in pages, including,,, and more. Passkeys are a more secure alternative to passwords. Apple explains:A...
passkeys google

Google Announces Support for Account Passkeys

Wednesday May 3, 2023 5:53 am PDT by
Google today announced that it is introducing support for passkeys, providing an easier and more secure login method for Google accounts. Apple integrated passkeys into iOS with the launch of iOS 16, and it is also available in iPadOS 16.1 and later as well as macOS Ventura. Passkeys are an industry standard developed by the FIDO Alliance and the World Wide Web Consortium, so Google's...
Passkey Feature Triad

Google Chrome Gains Support for Passkeys, Making it Easier to Log Into Websites and More

Saturday December 10, 2022 1:46 am PST by
Google Chrome has announced it has gained support for passkeys, a new industry-wide standard with the hope of replacing passwords by making it easier and safer to log into websites and apps. With passkeys, users can authenticate and log into websites using their iPhone or Android devices, replacing the need for a password. On newer versions of iOS and Android, users visiting websites that...
1password passkeys

1Password Will Support Passkeys Starting in Early 2023

Thursday November 17, 2022 6:45 am PST by
Popular password management service 1Password today confirmed that it will begin supporting passkeys in early 2023, allowing users to sign in to supported websites and apps without a password. Instead, biometric authentication on trusted devices is used to confirm your identity, and removing passwords from the equation means they can not be compromised or phished. Apple rolled out support...
paypal passkey

PayPal Announces Support for Safari Passkeys Feature

Monday October 24, 2022 9:21 am PDT by
Popular payments service PayPal today announced that it is introducing support for passkeys, providing an easier and more secure login method for PayPal accounts. Apple integrated passkeys into iOS with the launch of iOS 16, and it is also available in iPadOS 16.1 and macOS Ventura, coming today. Passkeys are an industry standard developed by the FIDO Alliance and the World Wide Web...