Griffin today debuted its first accessory for the Apple TV, introducing a new case designed for the Siri Remote. The Survivor Play for Siri Remote aims to add protection to keep it safe from scratches and dings when dropped and it adds a non-slip grip to make it easier to hold when playing motion-based games that require a lot of movement.
The Survivor Play, which is made of a soft, textured silicone, fits around the back of the Siri Remote and is similar to the wide variety Wii Remote skins that make the Nintendo controller easier to hold during gameplay. According to Griffin, the Survivor Play was designed primarily with gameplay in mind, adding extra thick grips to make it more comfortable to hold.
Now that Apple TV has added gaming, your Siri Remote will be working harder than ever. Survivor Play was designed with gaming in mind. Its easy-to grip shape surrounds the remote's back and edges with impact-absorbing silicone. So just in case things get rowdy while you're playing Beat Sports, your Siri Remote stays safe.
The case also adds cushioning and protection for the edges and the corners of the Siri Remote, the places most likely to be damaged should the remote be dropped or flung across the room during a heated gameplay session. Because it wraps around the back, the Survivor Play leaves the Siri Remote buttons, touchscreen, microphones, and Lightning port easily accessible.
When it launches later this fall, the Griffin Survivor Play for the Siri Remote will be priced at $19.99.
Top Rated Comments
That being said, the price is downright ridiculous.