BGR reports that Research in Motion is planning to bring its BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) system to the iOS and Android platforms, expanding the instant messaging system that has been a key feature of the BlackBerry operating system for many years.
According to our sources, RIM has not yet finalized details surrounding timing or pricing, but we have heard that the company might make the software free to all users. We're also told strategy is still being developed, however, and RIM may end up charging users a one-time fee or even a recurring fee for access to its BBM service on third-party platforms.
According to the report, Research in Motion would likely offer a "stripped down" version of BBM to iOS and Android users, allowing them to share text but not photos, locations, and other data included on the BlackBerry version. The company is also reportedly targeting a launch on Android first, with iOS coming a bit further down the road.
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Those apps dont belong to Apple, they belong to third party developers who submit them to the App store, and to the android market, and who ever else they want to.
You won't see Apple give iMovie to Blackberry or Android users
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