A recent support document on Apple's website confirms that you don't need one of Apple's USB-C power adapters to fast charge the latest iPhones.

aukey usb c charger
Apple says the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus, and presumably the iPhone X, can be fast charged with any comparable third-party USB-C power adapter that supports the USB Power Delivery specification.

An official Lightning to USB-C cable is still needed, and it's not included with any iPhone. Apple charges $25 for a one meter cable, and $35 for a two meter cable, in the United States. There aren't any MFi-certified alternatives yet.

Apple's own USB-C power adapters that support USB-C Power Delivery include:

Aukey has a few cheaper third-party options available on Amazon:

Fast charging enables the iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X to charge to 50 percent battery life in just 30 minutes.

Disclaimer: This article is not affiliated with Aukey, but MacRumors is an affiliate partner with Amazon and may get paid if you click one of the above links and make a purchase.

Related Forum: iPhone

Top Rated Comments

Berzerker7 Avatar
85 months ago
This doesn't explain a question a lot of people have though: Will the 61 or 87W charge *faster* than the 29W? Is the highest power output the iPhone support 14.5V@2A or 9V@3A? The 29W Charger is the only one that has the specific 29W profile.
Score: 3 Votes (Like | Disagree)
Mr_Brightside_@ Avatar
85 months ago
I was definitely confusing Aukey and Anker.

Also, I live in Canada, and was redirected to Amazon.ca, which didn't mention the Lightning incompatibility.

I've updated the article to address all of these issues.

I didn't know an editor lived here, cool!
Score: 2 Votes (Like | Disagree)
JRobinsonJr Avatar
85 months ago
This is indeed great news. HOWEVER, Anker specifically states that USB-C to Lightening cables are NOT supported. I confirmed that with Anker last week via email.
Score: 2 Votes (Like | Disagree)
gpat Avatar
85 months ago
Why didn't they adopt USB-C in the first place?
Score: 1 Votes (Like | Disagree)
masotime Avatar
85 months ago
There's a much more in-depth discussion at https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/29w-fast-charging-tests-and-3rd-party-adapters.2052414/ - the iPad forum has known for some time that 3rd party USB-C PD chargers work instead of Apple's own.
This doesn't explain a question a lot of people have though: Will the 61 or 87W charge *faster* than the 29W? Is the highest power output the iPhone support 14.5V@2A or 9V@3A? The 29W Charger is the only one that has the specific 29W profile.
Refer to https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/fast-charging.2066638/page-2#post-25097840 - most likely it is 9V@2A i.e. 18W "fast charge".

Incidentally, both the 61W and 87W chargers charge the iPad Pros at 18W, not 29W like the 29W charger does.
Score: 1 Votes (Like | Disagree)
Rigby Avatar
85 months ago
That's nice. I'm still not paying $25-$35 for the stupid cable.
Score: 1 Votes (Like | Disagree)

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