Earlier this month Apple shared a surreal new ad for the HomePod that was directed by filmmaker Spike Jonze and starred artist Tahliah Debrett Barnett, known as FKA Twigs. In the commercial, FKA Twigs arrived home from a long day at work and found a way to unwind by dancing around to Anderson .Paak playing from her HomePod, all while her apartment expanded and shape-shifted in unexpected ways.
In a new seven-minute behind-the-scenes video shared today (via Adweek), director Danilo Parra explores how Jonze shot the video, how the choreography was created, and how the team got the apartment to expand and elongate. On that last point, the production designers on the commercial explain that the team used hydraulics to practically move the sets around as FKA Twigs danced in them -- down to the magazines and tables that she expands in the dream sequence -- all with "very little CGI."
In terms of CGI, VFX supervisor Janelle Croshaw points out that the biggest effect for the ad occurs when FKA Twigs dances with herself in a mirror. At one point in the video it's also revealed that the artist auditioned for Jonze's commercial using FaceTime. To check out the full short documentary on the making of "Welcome Home," visit Adweek right here.
Welcome Home was Apple's first major long-form ad for the HomePod, launching after a series of much shorter, 15-second HomePod videos.
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