Apple started accepting Apple Watch pre-orders at 12:01 AM Pacific today, and official retail packaging for the 18-karat gold Edition model is now beginning to appear on social media. Instagram user Iris Decreus shared the picture below of an Apple Watch Edition next to its suede box, which has a premium look compared to the regular packaging for the Apple Watch Sport and stainless steel Apple Watch.
Twitter user Fabien W. also shared multiple photos that provide a closer look at the Apple Watch Edition packaging earlier today. The outside of the box has an embossed Apple logo, while the inside appears to have a soft lining to keep the Edition free of scratches. The bottom of the box is embossed with the Apple Watch Edition logo, and official product documentation is included inside the box.
This is the packaging of Apple Watch Edition #Apple #AppleWatch #AppleWatchEdition #Packaging #AppleStore #Copyright — FabienW (@Apple_DevFW) April 10, 2015
Top Rated Comments
Compare this to the packaging, for example, for the Omega Speedmaster Professional. I believe this is a special edition, but still could cost considerably less than the Apple Watch Edition..
Not like real watch which have some value, investing 10k for technology which will be obsolete a year from now is so idiotic that I can't believe apple really did that .
The packaging is fine. You don't need a suitcase
but sadly she is missing a thumb.