Mac OS X 10.2.5 Update CD

This AppleStore link (may expire) details the Mac OS X 10.2.5 Update CD for $19.95 (Requires 10.2):

    The 10.2.5 Update delivers enhanced functionality and improved reliability for the following applications, utilities, services, and technologies: Address Book, AirPort, AppleScript, Bluetooth, Classic compatibility, Disk Copy, Disk Utility, Finder, Help Viewer, iChat, Image Capture, IP Firewall, Kerberos, Mail, OpenGL, Print Center, Rendezvous, and Sherlock.

    The update includes improvements to AFP, Web services, dial up connections over PPP, and Windows file services, as well as audio, disc recording, graphics, and printing improvements and USB, FireWire and SCSI device compatibility enhancements.

It also refers to this Knowledge Base document -- which is not yet posted. The Apple Store page also indicates that 10.2.5 will be available as a free download via Software Update.

10.2.5 seeds have been ongoing and an update is expected soon.