Delta Feature

Play Your Favorite Classic Nintendo Games on iPhone

Thursday April 18, 2024 12:55 am PDT by
If you're a fan of classic Nintendo games and own an iPhone, we have great news for you. Apple has recently updated its App Review Guidelines to allow game emulators in the App Store. This change opens up new possibilities for playing your favorite retro games on modern devices. Keep reading to learn what's changed and how you can get gaming in no time. Apple's ‌App Store‌ Policies: What...
icloud photos

How to Create a Photo Slideshow on iPhone

Wednesday April 10, 2024 8:21 am PDT by
Creating a photo slideshow on your iPhone is a fantastic way to showcase your memories in a dynamic and visually engaging way. Whether it's reliving a recent holiday, celebrating a family event, or sharing your artistic endeavors, a slideshow can bring your stories to life. Available through the Photos app, the slideshow feature allows you to easily curate your images and present them in a...
Apple advanced security iMessage Contact Key Verification screen Feature

How to Use iMessage Contact Key Verification on iPhone

Friday March 29, 2024 7:42 am PDT by
In iOS 17.2 and later, Apple includes a Contact Key Verification feature that aims to enhance your messaging security on an iPhone. This article explains why you might want to use the feature and includes practical steps to enable it on your device. Why Use Contact Key Verification? Contact Key Verification was designed by Apple to ensure that iMessage conversations are more secure and that ...
checking flight iphone

How to Track a Flight on Your iPhone

Monday March 25, 2024 8:08 am PDT by
Flight tracker apps are a popular way to keep tabs on planes in the sky, because when you're preparing to fly or when someone you know is on board a flight, you can use them to check that things are still on schedule. But if you have an iPhone, you don't need to download and install a third-party app to track a flight – it's a handy built-in feature of the operating system. The ability to ...
iphone in the dark

How to Make Your iPhone Screen Less Bright in Bed

Friday March 22, 2024 3:01 am PDT by
Most of us stare at our iPhones for far too long, and this constant exposure to a bright screen can strain our eyes, especially in low-light conditions or during the twilight hours. That's where the ability to dim your iPhone screen beyond the standard brightness settings becomes a game-changer. If the screen of your ‌iPhone‌ or iPad is too bright for comfort, the usual solution is to go to...
voice isolation 1

Make Yourself Easier to Hear on Cellular iPhone Calls

Wednesday March 20, 2024 8:18 am PDT by
On iPhone, Apple offers a Voice Isolation feature for use during cellular calls. Keep reading to learn what Voice Isolation does and how to enable it. In iOS 15 and later, Apple includes several new features to make video conferencing with FaceTime and other video calling apps more appealing. One of these features, called Voice Isolation, makes it easier for people to hear your voice on a...
icloud photos

Turn Several Live Photos into a Single Video on iPhone

Wednesday March 20, 2024 4:59 am PDT by
Did you know it's possible to take multiple Live Photos from your iPhone's photo library and turn them into a single continuous video? Keep reading to learn how it's done. On iPhone and iPad, Live Photos bring your pictures to life by adding a few seconds of video before and after the shot, creating a living memory rather than a static image. While Live Photos are great on their own,...
orientation lock

Automatically Toggle iPhone Orientation Lock for Specific Apps

Tuesday March 19, 2024 5:47 am PDT by
Tired of toggling your iPhone's Orientation Lock for certain apps? Keep reading to learn how you can make iOS do it for you automatically. In iOS, many apps display a different view when you rotate your iPhone from portrait to landscape orientation. Depending on the app and the way you use it, this behavior isn't always desirable, which is why Apple includes the Orientation Lock option in...
stop upgrade sonoma

Stop Your Mac Updating to macOS Sonoma

Friday March 29, 2024 1:17 am PDT by
Back in January, we reported on an issue where some Mac users found that their computer automatically upgraded itself from macOS Monterey or Ventura to the latest macOS Sonoma release, even with the Automatic Updates option disabled in System Settings. In many cases, it seems that users inadvertently triggered the Sonoma upgrade simply by dismissing a notification alerting them that the...
recent files home screen iphone

Access Your Recent Files From iPhone Home Screen

Tuesday March 12, 2024 7:12 am PDT by
Did you know you can quickly access your most recent files on your iPhone without navigating through folders or apps? Thanks to Apple's Files widget, you can directly access your files with a tap of your Home Screen. The Files widget helps keep your important documents at the forefront. It's great way to keep track of your most recent work without manually sorting through files, ensuring...
quoted text webpage share messages 1

Share a Webpage Link With Quoted Text in iPhone Messages

Monday March 11, 2024 8:58 am PDT by
Most iPhone users know how to share a webpage link in Messages, but not everyone realizes that you can quote text from the webpage and include it in the message link. Keep reading to learn more. Incorporating quoted text when sharing a webpage link in Messages is a great way to get to the point and make it clear why the content you're sharing is relevant and interesting. It not only makes...
HomePod 2 and HomePod Mini

How to Update to HomePod Software 17.4

Friday March 8, 2024 1:45 am PST by
Like iPhones, iPads, Macs, the Apple Watch, and the Apple TV, the HomePod and HomePod mini are updated with new software on a regular basis. The most recent update was released on March 7, and enables Siri to learn what your preferred media service is. By default, updates are installed on your ‌HomePod‌ devices automatically, but there's also a way to force an update if new software is...
photo album widget

Shuffle a Specific Photo Album on iPhone Home Screen

Thursday March 7, 2024 4:54 am PST by
In iOS 17, Apple added a new feature to the Photos widget that enables you to view pictures from a specific album in your photo library right on your iPhone's Home Screen. Here's how it works. Previously in iOS, the ‌Photos‌ widget was limited to showing featured pictures selected for you by the ‌Photos‌ algorithm, meaning there was no way to choose a custom album in your library for the widget...
lock screen widgets ios 16

How to Add Widgets to Your iPhone Lock Screen

Wednesday March 6, 2024 6:21 am PST by
Apple has improved the Lock Screen on iPhones in recent years, making it more customizable than ever and able to display information-rich widgets. This article shows you how to add select widgets your iPhone's Lock Screen in ‌iOS 16‌ and later. Lock Screen Widgets used to be the sole preserve of Android phones, but in 2022 Apple finally added them to ‌iPhone‌ when it overhauled the Lock...
siri symbol iphone feature

iOS 17.4: Get Siri to Read Messages to You in Another Language

Wednesday March 6, 2024 12:49 am PST by
In iOS 17.4, which is now available, a new feature enables Siri to read incoming messages to you in the language(s) of your choosing. Keep reading to learn how it works. Previously in iOS 17, ‌Siri‌'s interaction with Messages was limited to one option – the ability for ‌Siri‌ to automatically send your dictated messages without asking you to confirm them first. In iOS 17.4, however, ‌Siri‌...
podcast app transcript

iOS 17.4: Using Apple's New Podcast Transcript Feature

Wednesday March 6, 2024 12:46 am PST by
In iOS 17.4, which is now available, Apple has added audio transcripts to the Podcasts app for iPhone, meaning you can now read along to your favorite podcasts as they are spoken. In iOS 17.4, Apple has added support for auto-generated transcripts in its Podcasts app, offering users another way to enjoy podcast content rather than simply listening to what is being said. (To update your...
safari icon blue banner

Translate Webpages in Safari on iPhone and iPad

Tuesday March 5, 2024 4:46 am PST by
On iPhone and iPad, Apple includes a Translate app that can translate several different languages in real-time, and Safari has integrated translation capabilities, too. Thanks to its webpage Translation feature, Safari will automatically detect if it can translate a foreign webpage you visit based on your Preferred Languages list. Keep reading to learn how it all works. At the time of...
airpods pro 2 thumbnail

Complete Guide to Using AirPods Pro's Newest Features

Friday March 1, 2024 1:28 am PST by
With last year's release of iOS 17, Apple introduced new features for second-generation AirPods Pro, such as Adaptive Audio, the ability mute/unmute yourself when on a phone call, and more. Keep reading to learn what use cases the new noise control features are designed for, and how you can control them in ‌iOS 17‌ when your iPhone is connected to ‌AirPods Pro‌ 2 with updated firmware. To skip...
Contact Posters iOS 17

How to Create Your iPhone Contact Poster

Thursday February 29, 2024 10:03 am PST by
With iOS 17, Apple introduced Contact Posters to its stock Phone and Contacts apps. Keep reading to learn what Contact Posters are and how to use them. Apple in ‌iOS 17‌ offers iPhone users a novel way to express themselves when it comes to calls, with the addition of personalizable Contact Posters. Contact Posters allow you to customize how you're represented when you call another ‌iPhone‌...
Apple Store App Feature Blue

How to View Apple ID Purchase History on iPhone

Tuesday February 27, 2024 2:40 am PST by
In today's digital age, keeping track of online transactions is more crucial than ever, especially for Apple users who frequently download apps, music, movies, and more from various Apple services. Your Apple ID purchase history is a comprehensive log of all the content you've bought using your account, not just on your iPhone, but across all your Apple devices. Knowing how to access this...