Twelve South today announced a new Apple Watch stand, called the Forté, that will let users display the wearable device in both portrait and Nightstand modes. The company built the new stand to mirror the aesthetic of the Apple Watch, with a chrome arm that holds the device at a 40 degree angle designed to easily read its screen on a bedside table. The bottom of the stand is also wrapped in leather, which Twelve South ensures will protect each Apple Watch band from scratching.
Like most other Apple Watch charging docks, the Forté requires users to use the MagSafe charger shipped with the Apple Watch to be able to charge the device. Twelve South also mentioned that users can rest an iPhone underneath the Apple Watch as a dual-action dock, but will of course need to provide their own Lightning charging cable to do so. Overall, the company called the new dock "the first full-featured Apple Watch stand worthy of the Apple Store."
"From the shape and standards, to fit and finish, Forté is the first full-featured stand that you can find in Apple Store. The simplicity of Forté directly reflects the beautiful Apple timepiece, whether it’s placed bedside or on your bathroom vanity. We are thrilled to work with Apple Store to bring this incredible stand exclusively to Apple Store customers this Holiday season.”
The $59.99 Forté Apple Watch dock is available in all Apple Store locations in the United States and Canada starting today, with a plan to roll out its availability in other regions "in the coming weeks." Those interested can also, of course, buy the charging cradle directly from Twelve South's official website.
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