OS X 10.10.4

By MacRumors Staff

OS X 10.10.4 Articles


Mac OS X 10.10.4 Supports TRIM for Third-Party SSD Hard Drives

Tuesday June 30, 2015 9:07 pm PDT by
Earlier today Apple released OS X 10.10.4, an under-the-hood update to OS X that introduced several bug fixes and improvements. One improvement, according to Ars Technica, is support for TRIM for third-party SSD hard drives. We previously covered TRIM likely coming natively to the next version of OS X El Capitan but it appears support has already arrived. Photo via ArsTechnica With today’s...
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Apple Releases OS X 10.10.4 With 'Discoveryd' Process Removal

Tuesday June 30, 2015 8:04 am PDT by
Apple today released OS X Yosemite 10.10.4, an under-the-hood update that introduces several bug fixes and performance improvements. Most notably, 10.10.4 includes the removal of the problematic Discoveryd process, which has caused multiple networking issues for some users in OS X Yosemite. The OS X 10.10.4 update can be downloaded through the Software Update mechanism in the Mac App Store....
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Apple Seeds Fifth OS X 10.10.4 Yosemite Beta to Developers and Public Beta Testers

Tuesday June 9, 2015 10:00 am PDT by
Apple today seeded the fifth beta of OS X 10.10.4 to developers and public beta testers, approximately two weeks after releasing the fourth OS X 10.10.4 beta and two months after releasing the first OS X 10.10.4 beta. OS X 10.10.4 has been in testing since mid-April, following the early April release of OS X 10.10.3, which included the new Photos for OS X app. The new beta, build 14E33b, can...

Apple Replaces Problematic 'Discoveryd' Process With mDNSresponder in 10.10.4 Beta 4

Tuesday May 26, 2015 3:06 pm PDT by
In today's fourth OS X 10.10.4 beta, Apple made a significant behind-the-scenes change that could result in improved networking performance for some users -- the removal of the "discoveryd" process. As noted by MacRumors forum members and 9to5Mac, in OS X 10.10.4 beta 4, the discoveryd process has been replaced by mDNSresponder. Since OS X Yosemite debuted in October, there have been ongoing...
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Apple Seeds Fourth OS X 10.10.4 Yosemite Beta to Developers, Public Beta Testers

Tuesday May 26, 2015 9:59 am PDT by
Apple today seeded the fourth beta of OS X 10.10.4 to developers, just over two weeks after releasing the third OS X 10.10.4 beta and a month after releasing the first OS X 10.10.4 beta. OS X 10.10.4 has been in testing since mid April, following the early April release of OS X 10.10.3 with the new Photos for OS X app. The new beta, build 14E26a, can be downloaded through the Software Update...
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Apple Seeds Third OS X 10.10.4 Yosemite Beta to Developers and Public Beta Testers

Monday May 11, 2015 10:05 am PDT by
Apple today seeded the third beta of OS X 10.10.4 to developers, approximately two weeks after releasing the second OS X 10.10.4 beta and three weeks after releasing the first OS X 10.10.4 beta. OS X 10.10.4 has been in testing since mid-April, following the early April release of OS X 10.10.3, which included the new Photos for OS X app. The beta, build 14E17e, can be downloaded through the...
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Apple Seeds Second OS X 10.10.4 Yosemite Beta to Developers, First Public Beta Version

Monday April 27, 2015 11:02 am PDT by
Apple today seeded the second beta of OS X 10.10.4 to developers, approximately a week and a half since releasing the first 10.10.4 beta and nearly three weeks after releasing OS X 10.10.3 with the Photos for OS X app to the public. Alongside the new developer beta, Apple also released the first public beta version of OS X 10.10.4. Developers can download the new beta, build 14E11f, through...
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Apple Seeds First OS X 10.10.4 Yosemite Beta to Developers

Thursday April 16, 2015 12:58 pm PDT by
Apple today seeded the first beta of OS X 10.10.4 to developers, just over a week after releasing OS X 10.10.3 with the Photos for OS X app to the public. The new beta, build 14E7f, can be downloaded from the Mac Developer Center. It is not yet clear what's new in the 10.10.4 beta, but according to the release notes, the update "improves the stability, compatibility, and security of your...