TheStreet previews Verizon's new LG Voyager launched today. Dubbed an iPhone Killer at its annonucement, the LG Voyager disappoints.
Here's the bleak truth about the Voyager: It's not the thrilling gadget adventure people were waiting for. ...
Playing with the Voyager for the past week has provided a nice mixture of fun with a familiar dash of frustration.

The Voyager has no document creation, email ($5/mo extra), or desktop syncing and appears tro be more of a media player and entertainment device. While it comes with a 3G connection, web browsing still uses the Openware browser "that's been lamely rendering Web pages ever since phones could access the Net."
PCMag's review is less critical, and acknowledges some notable features, such as a force feedback touch screen, a physical keyboard and TV tuner. Their summary:
The Voyager does a lot of things that the iPhone doesn't: mobile TV, GPS, video recordingand heck, it runs on Verizon's network. This handset is still a study in how the rest of the industry can't quite catch up to Apple's seamless, easy syncing and interface. But if you chose your network first and it's Verizon, this is the closest you'll get to a true mobile revolution for now.
MobileBurn's review goes into more depth and describes it as a "multimedia monster" and "one of the most compelling devices" ever offered by Verizon but is also disappointed by its lack of syncing capabilities.