Apple Announces iPod Airplane Integration [Updated]

Apple has announced a partnership with a number of airlines to provide in-flight iPod integration during flights.

In-flight iPod connectivity will be available to Air France, Continental, Delta, Emirates, KLM and United passengers beginning in mid 2007. Additionally, Apple is working with Panasonic Avionics Corporation to bring even more leading airlines in-flight iPod connectivity in the future.

According to the press release, these six airlines will begin offering their passengers iPod seat connections which power and charge their iPods during flight and allow the video content on their iPods to be viewed on the their seat back displays. The press release did not specify whether the iPod integration would be a first-class accommodation, as presumably that designation would be up to the individual airlines.

Update: Reuters reports (French, English translation) that Air France is, at least partially, denying Apple's announcement.

(translation provided by Google) Apple is a partner of Air France but it is completely premature on this date of speaking about such a project

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