
By MacRumors Staff

Avid Articles

2013 mac pro

Hollywood Mac Pro Workstations Hit by Mysterious Software Issue [Updated]

Tuesday September 24, 2019 2:34 am PDT by
Update: In a statement, AVID has indicated that the root cause for the reboot issue is unrelated to its creative tools. Google has since confirmed that a Chrome update "may have shipped with a bug that damages the file system on macOS machines" and has provided instructions for affected users. Original story follows. Variety reports this morning of a possible computer virus attack or...
avid studio ipad 1

Avid Takes on Apple's iMovie with Avid Studio for iPad

Thursday February 2, 2012 5:46 am PST by
While companies such as Avid and Adobe have attempted to capitalize on Apple's Final Cut Pro X missteps by wooing users in need of professional video editing and production software, AllThingsD notes that Avid is pushing forward on the mobile "prosumer" front with its just-launched Avid Studio [App Store] app for iPad. The iPad obviously imposes some limitations on what can be done with the...