Apple today released two new iPhone commercials, now available on Apple's iPhone ad gallery. Similar to some previous iPhone commercials, the new ads each feature three App Store applications linked by a common theme.

Share: Focuses on the iPhone's ability to easily share data and engage in multiplayer gaming.

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- Mover [App Store, Free] - allows users to share photos, text clippings, and other data with nearby iPhones by a simple flick of the finger.
- Bump [App Store, Free] - allows users to swap photos and contacts by bumping iPhones together.
- Scrabble [App Store, $4.99] - allows users to play the classic word game head-to-head via Wi-Fi or Facebook.

Travel: Demonstrates the iPhone's utility when traveling, highlighting a trip to Paris as an example to tie the three featured apps together.

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- Rick Steves' Historic Paris Walk [App Store, $4.99] - provides users with an interactive, multimedia guided tour of historic Paris sites.
- Paris Metro 09 [App Store, $4.99] - offers an interactive map and route planner for major transportation systems in Paris.
- Postman [App Store, $0.99] - enables users to create custom digital postcards using their own photos or Google Maps photos, custom text, and themes, and send the postcards to others via e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, and other services.

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