By MacRumors Staff
SchuttenWorks Reviews

Review: Schuttenworks' Ripple is the Perfect Apple Watch Dock for Nightstand Mode
With watchOS 2, Apple introduced a new feature called Nightstand mode, which lets the Apple Watch be used as a nighttime clock and morning alarm when it’s attached to the charger. Nightstand mode only works while the Apple Watch is placed in landscape mode on its side, rendering a lot of early Apple Watch docks and stands less useful.
Going forward, accessory makers will likely focus on...
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Review: SchuttenWorks 'Wave' is a Compact, Elegant Apple Watch Charging Stand
Most of the Apple Watch stands and docks that we've reviewed so far have been from major manufacturers, but the Wave Apple Watch Charging Stand from SchuttenWorks is made by a small team in Oregon. Available in several different woods, the Wave is named for its shape, which resembles the crest of a breaking ocean wave.
Visually clean and simple, the Wave uses a clever split design and magnet...