Blog do iPhone
By MacRumors Staff
Blog do iPhone Articles

Sketchy Rumor Claims iPhone 15 Pro Won't Have Physical SIM Card Slot
iPhone 15 Pro models may lack a physical SIM card slot, according to a sketchy rumor shared by Brazilian website Blog do iPhone.
Image Credit: iFixit
While recent iPhone models have a physical nano-SIM card slot and a digital eSIM, the report claims that iPhone 15 Pro models slated for release in 2023 will instead have two eSIMs, ensuring that Dual-SIM functionality remains available....
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Apple Hiring for Retail Store in São Paulo as Construction Nears Completion
Apple has posted several job listings in recent weeks to fill retail positions at an under-construction Apple Store in São Paulo, the most populous city in Brazil. The company is seeking to hire Creatives, Specialists, Geniuses, Managers and a number of other positions for the store, which appears to be nearing completion based on new photos published by Brazilian website Blog do iPhone....

iOS 5.1 'Pre-GM' Seed Leaked? Camera Slider, Japanese Siri
BlogdoiPhone claims to have somehow obtained a "pre-GM" version of iOS 5.1. GM refers to Golden Master version of the software which is typically the final production version.
Only two new minor findings have been discovered. One is an ever-present camera icon on the lock screen of iOS 5.1. In present versions, the camera button only appears if you double-tap the home button. In this...