By MacRumors Staff
Two-Factor How Tos

How to Secure Your Apple ID Using Two-Factor Authentication
Apple introduced two-factor authentication (2FA) in 2015 to provide an enhanced level of security when accessing Apple ID accounts. With 2FA enabled, you'll be the only person who can access your account, regardless of whether someone learns your password – as the result of a hack or a phishing scam, for example – so it's well worth taking the time to enable the feature. In this article,...
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Two-Factor Articles

Apple Migrating iOS 11 and macOS High Sierra Users With Two-Step Verification to Two-Factor Authentication
Apple recently emailed Apple ID users with two-step verification enabled to inform them that, upon installing iOS 11 or macOS High Sierra, they will be automatically updated to its newer two-factor authentication method.
Apple introduced two-factor authentication in 2015 as an improved version of its two-step verification method for securing an Apple ID account with both a password and a...